No matter what happened in the past
you can choose at this moment:
to leave it in the past
by respectfully disconnecting now,
to gather your energies to skip along,
while gently leaving fear behind,
to skip along the yellow brick road
which will take you to this precious place
you always knew is waiting for you,
the place only you have access to:
the place of your inner contentment in being
an unique expression of ALL THERE IS.
an unique expression of ALL THERE IS.
exerpt from the book "From the lightness of the Heart"
by Claudia Wenning
by Claudia Wenning
How can we strengthen our immune system?
The approach ought to be multi-fold and individually tailored, considering nutrition, exposure, lifestyle, habits etc., and understood as an ongoing process.
If we can determine which parts of the body are most affected, we can take care of them first, the overall goal will continue to be to stay in vital balance.
We may fall out and come back into balance as the rhythm of life continues, but it does not have to be to a degree as to be debilitating, as to be in a permanent state of un-ease and dis- ease.
It will ideally be an ebb and flow of energy throughout our body, as we rest and rise, rest and rise, as we go inward and go outward, as we are energetically spiraling upwards into more refined expressions in this realm.
The fine tuning is never meant to cease, the listening within continues, and we are certainly influenced on the cellular level by emotions and thoughts, by nutrition, lifestyle habits and environmental influences.
How do our thoughts, emotions and deeds, especially the ones we would never tell another living soul, affect the cellular structure of this bodily unit of cellular community we inhabit?
How much have we taken on from others, never to be uncovered or questioned?
How can we courageously and freely express the essence of our spirit?
It is part of the journey in life to recalibrate continuously, this is where awareness comes in, the greatest tool of all, available to all.
This is where all the books, once they are read, will go back on the shelf, and where all the supplements are meant to be a temporary, strengthening support for the undernourished areas.
Ultimately the body knows intrinsically how to heal itself, once we trust and allow it to emerge out of any not sufficiently supportive vibrational state it is in.
Life itself is the adventure we signed up for, each and every one of us is to walk their individual path of discovery and we can help each other on the journey.
In that sense let us keep walking together, sharing and rejoicing in this.
The healing of the world can take place through love and light, through all these beings that are carrying the light, covering this globe with a shining web of light.
The light in one's smile, a light in one's touch, a lightening of one's understanding.
We are light expressed in the material form.
We are sound expressed as living beings.
We can light up darkness.
We can build a better world, starting wherever we are, yes it is "personal"!
By taking this "personally", we actually get up and come together and join to light up our lives, taking it on as a calling we may have been given by birth.
The earth possibly will survive a lot of abuse, but will we?
How would we survive if we do not care for this planet, our home?
There is power within the web of light, no matter what happens in the darkness.
The power of the written word
This morning I opened a book, just for an instant of time,
while I turned the pages my eyes centered on one line voluntarily:
'Love is motiveless tenderness of the heart."
(quote attributed to Swami Muktananda)
By reading these words I was instantly lifted into another realm of feeling,
emotions came up, pictures and sounds came into my awareness.
My responses to reading a single line were setting the energy level,
the flavor and the infinite possibilities for this newborn day.
A book is a messenger, the messages are quietly available,
we can be enriched by these offerings instantly
when taking in its pages with open eyes.
when taking in its pages with open eyes.
A book can be a present by any understanding,
available and waiting for us to see its richness.
It can be a tool to see any moment from a fresh perspective.
It can be a tool to see any moment from a fresh perspective.
Do you have daydreams?
How vivid are they?
Despite of what I may "think" or "believe"
on a cloudy day,
nobody has yet been able to take my freedom away to have
or my resolve to take action to make them become reality....
What are your questions at this time in your life?
Whatever the questions are and even if the desired answers seem
far fetched, I like to ask questions like:
"What if....?"
"Why not...?"
"When then...?
"Possibly soon...?"
and "Even though...?"
These questions can open and soften our very core and center, the "Heart Space".
Truly inspired action can originate out of this place of
heart-centered feeling into possibilities, out of the purity and openness
of a fully engaged heart-centeredness.
If we wish to further a peaceful coexistence with each other and
this beautiful planet, one of my daydreams is that we caringly continue to grow
lasting support for each other to make such "Heart Space"- inspired
action our reality.
I daydream that, yes,
doable from the lightness of the heart.
I daydream that, yes, and I am ready.
Every moment in life is an opportunity for a "reset" of
our viewpoints as we observe and evaluate our experience.
May your daydreams be nurtured from the "Heart Space",
may we support each other to bring us closer to deeper connection and
understanding of ourselves and all others in this co-creation!
"Organic Remedies"
Update at Quantum Level Consulting!
New for 2018: Organic Essential Oil Roll-On Bottles:
handcrafted after traditional European recipes in small quantities:
“Gently Healing Salve™”, “Herbal Healing Balm™”,
“My Herbal Allies Ointment™”, “My Favorite Salve™”
33 different Medicinal Herbal Tinctures
Unique Flower Essences, Herbal Oils
The herbs are organically cultivated or wild crafted,
25 of the herbs were grown biodynamically by myself.
All at Quantum Level Consulting in the Cultivate Wellness Studio, by appointment,
or shipped in the continental US only, for info email:
Impressions are coming forth about a forward movement with new directives and newly opening directions.
And evolution could again be honored as the underlying quality of All There Is in the larger frame of perception.
The opportunities for growth and peaceful understanding are still partly elusive, but exquisite.
Yes, we have been experiencing an ongoing perception - altering period of watching how a minority with individual powers, through separation, tries with all it has to outdo the striving of the majority for peaceful unity and inclusion.
But are there any doubts now how the picture will show itself to all eventually?
There will be the opening of floodgates of rejoicing in collaborative change, maybe not yet tomorrow, but it will come.
Yet the question remains today: what can we contribute to bring this lasting creation of peaceful connection out into the open visible and palpable to all, of all, and caringly nurture it to keep growing within our life time?
It is time to find our very own place of conscious co-creation in this evolving foreward movement.
It can be as simple, yet invigorating, as picking up "paintbrushes" ourselves, one small, seemingly insignificant, dab of paint at a time, all with peaceful intentions.
It could be OUR support for a new picture to emerge, for other hues to come to the front and center. so that these contributions may become part of a shining bold of lightness that announces the coming of a new dawn.
And evolution could again be honored as the underlying quality of All There Is in the larger frame of perception.
The opportunities for growth and peaceful understanding are still partly elusive, but exquisite.
Yes, we have been experiencing an ongoing perception - altering period of watching how a minority with individual powers, through separation, tries with all it has to outdo the striving of the majority for peaceful unity and inclusion.
But are there any doubts now how the picture will show itself to all eventually?
There will be the opening of floodgates of rejoicing in collaborative change, maybe not yet tomorrow, but it will come.
Yet the question remains today: what can we contribute to bring this lasting creation of peaceful connection out into the open visible and palpable to all, of all, and caringly nurture it to keep growing within our life time?
It is time to find our very own place of conscious co-creation in this evolving foreward movement.
It can be as simple, yet invigorating, as picking up "paintbrushes" ourselves, one small, seemingly insignificant, dab of paint at a time, all with peaceful intentions.
It could be OUR support for a new picture to emerge, for other hues to come to the front and center. so that these contributions may become part of a shining bold of lightness that announces the coming of a new dawn.
The celebration of any birthday,
anniversary and in memoriam
can be your very own rebirth.
In the moment of rebirthing your souls purpose
you can rewrite your own story and
shape the present through it as well as the future -
just as all the ones we love so much,
and who have gone before us,
have done across all time.
We can celebrate the physical or spiritual presence
of the greatest teachers in this realm
by acknowledging their birthday and legacy,
grateful for the insights received
and ready to take these further into
and ready to take these further into
shaping our reality to the Best For All.
How do we widen our field of awareness, of perception?
By asking questions, those we have not asked yet!
How do we become clearer, more aware,
empowered, understanding, compassionate?
By asking questions, bravely entering new territory.
This creates the new point of view, it will make all the difference.
Changing perspective reveals new possibilities,
allows to perceive ways that we have not noticed before,
pathways into the Quantum Field.
The wake up call is here if you are feeling disempowered.
Healing begins with acknowledging this for yourself.
If you feel disempowered you are no more accepting
to be mistreated, neglected and abused.
It is the beginning of:
asking for support to free yourself,
finding ways to care for yourself and others
and joining hands.We are all in this together!
When you feel disempowered reach out for strength,
together with others and for yourself,
reach out to replace darkness with light!
When you light a candle,
light a candle safely as a reminder to yourself,
and observe as much as there was darkness before,
observe how now there is light...
Quantum Health Presentation
3 actions you can take right now to improve your health - no medication or surgery required
A friend said to me "Happy Turkey Day"!
Yes, this is a funny synonym for Thanksgiving Day.
What if - being funny might be the precursor to ingenuity?
What if - we turn the turkey day into a turn- key day?
What if - on Thanksgiving Day
giving thanks might just be
the turning of the key
to open the door to contentment,
to recognition of abundance in my life?
I am giving thanks on Thanksgiving
for all that has been, is, and will be given to me,
I am giving thanks for being able to give too.
What if - being in the state of gratitude
could be the turn- key to transformation?
"From the lightness of the Heart" by Claudia Wenning
Often people ask me what a Traditional Naturopath really does and advocates.
One of the various facets of Naturopathy is the nutritional aspect,
and it simply could be summarized as:
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food "
( this quote is attributed to Hippocrates).
The focus in Naturopathy is on promoting the body's natural self - healing capabilities
instead of treatments which are build upon the taking of chemically derived compounds,
aka pharmaceutical drugs.
The practice of medicine was once based on natural treatments,
diet choices and lifestyle modifications, these days this is called alternative medicine.
The day will come that the "alternative" assignment will be a misnomer of the past.
My purpose as a Traditional Naturopath is to assist those who are ready
to take their well - being into their own hands by making educated choices and
employing a multitude of natural applications and individualized approaches
to transform their lives into one lived in Vital Balance.
to take their well - being into their own hands by making educated choices and
employing a multitude of natural applications and individualized approaches
to transform their lives into one lived in Vital Balance.
In the state of Vital Balance all other aspects, like personal empowerment,
a genuine purpose, joie de vivre, creativity, individual entitlement
and integrative goal management will follow suit effortlessly.
a genuine purpose, joie de vivre, creativity, individual entitlement
and integrative goal management will follow suit effortlessly.
To get there we have to ask the appropriate questions,
and listen to the answers that come with an inquisitive and open mind.
and listen to the answers that come with an inquisitive and open mind.
It is never too late to make changes in ones life, even the smallest conscious thought
or deed has the potential to create a cascade of life - affirming
and therefore health - enhancing improvements.
or deed has the potential to create a cascade of life - affirming
and therefore health - enhancing improvements.
A Traditional Naturopath crafts an itinerary of applying natural approaches and remedies,
which will lead the way to the state of equilibrium in body, mind and soul.
These applications support us in allowing ourselves to "come home" to the state of Vital Balance.
Post Graphic by Mariza
fb : blackfiregraphics
There is the sense of a slow waking up,
moving and spreading like a gentle ripple
through a wide open field of grass.
Could we perceive it?
Yes if we look.
Could we ignore it?
Yes if we look away.
It is such a powerful notion
that most of us have the choice
to open our eyes and see,
and not just see,
but really look, observe,
watch, perceive,
open up to all impressions
that are there, waiting,
waiting to be acknowledged.
For those who can not see,
let us be the translators,
pointing out the way,
offering strength to lean on
to walk the safe and solid,
sacred path of coming home
to the place of recognizing
who we truly are.
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