The power of the written word

This morning I opened a book, just for an instant of  time,
while I turned the pages my eyes centered on one line voluntarily:

'Love is motiveless tenderness of the heart."
(quote attributed to Swami Muktananda)

By reading these words I was instantly lifted into another realm of feeling,
emotions came up, pictures and sounds came into my awareness.
My responses to reading a single line were setting the energy level, 
the flavor and the infinite possibilities for this newborn day.

A book is a messenger, the messages are quietly available,
  we can be enriched by these offerings instantly
 when taking in its pages with open eyes. 
A book can be a present by any understanding, 
 available and waiting for us to see its richness.
It can be a tool to see any moment from a fresh perspective.

Within the heart there is no overwhelm.
Each heartbeat brings renewal.
Each breath fuels body and soul.
Lightness is the expression of spirit.


that insights are patiently waiting for you to acknowledge them

Trust -

that they will nudge you gently like an afternoon breeze

Trust -

 that they will guide you into experiences from a new vantage point

Do you have daydreams?
 How vivid are they?
Despite of what I may "think" or "believe" on a cloudy day,
nobody has yet been able to take my freedom away to have daydreams,
or my resolve to take action to make them become reality....

What are your questions at this time in your life?
Whatever the questions are and even if the desired answers seem far fetched, I like to ask questions like:
"What if....?"
"Why not...?"
"When then...?
"Possibly soon...?"
and "Even though...?"

These questions can open and soften our very core and center, the "Heart Space".
Truly inspired action can originate out of this place of heart-centered feeling into possibilities, out of the purity and openness of a fully engaged heart-centeredness.
If we wish to further a peaceful coexistence with each other and this beautiful planet, one of my daydreams is that we caringly continue to grow lasting support for each other to make such "Heart Space"- inspired action our reality.
 I daydream that, yes, doable from the lightness of the heart.
I daydream that, yes, and I am ready.
Every moment in life is an opportunity for a "reset" of our viewpoints as we observe and evaluate our experience.
May your daydreams be nurtured from the "Heart Space", may we support each other to bring us closer to deeper connection and understanding of ourselves and all others in this co-creation!

If you would enjoy the  free guided "Heart Space Light Meditation" please click below:

"Organic Remedies" 
Update at Quantum Level Consulting!

New for 2018: Organic Essential Oil Roll-On Bottles:

 handcrafted after traditional European recipes in small quantities:

“Gently Healing Salve™”, “Herbal Healing Balm™”,
“My Herbal Allies Ointment™”, “My Favorite Salve™”

33 different Medicinal Herbal Tinctures
Unique Flower Essences, Herbal Oils
 The herbs are organically cultivated or wild crafted,
25 of the herbs were grown biodynamically by myself.

All at Quantum Level Consulting in the Cultivate Wellness Studio, by appointment, 
or shipped in the continental US only, for info email:
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