Impressions are coming forth about a forward movement with new directives and newly opening directions.
 And evolution could again be honored as the underlying quality of All There Is in the larger frame of perception.
 The opportunities for growth and peaceful understanding are still partly elusive, but exquisite.
Yes, we have been experiencing an ongoing perception - altering period of watching how a minority with individual powers, through separation, tries with all it has to outdo the striving of the majority for  peaceful unity and inclusion.
 But are there any doubts now how the picture will show itself to all eventually? 
 There will be the opening of floodgates of rejoicing in collaborative change, maybe not yet tomorrow, but it will come.
Yet the question remains today: what can we contribute to bring this lasting creation of peaceful connection out into the open visible and palpable to all, of all, and caringly nurture it to keep growing within our life time?

It is time to find our very own place of conscious co-creation in this evolving foreward movement.
It can be as simple, yet invigorating, as picking up "paintbrushes" ourselves, one small, seemingly insignificant, dab of paint at a time, all with peaceful intentions.
It could be OUR support for a new picture to emerge, for other hues to come to the front and center. so that these contributions may become part of a shining bold of lightness that announces the coming of a new dawn. 


The celebration  of any birthday,
 anniversary and in memoriam
 can be your very own rebirth.

In the moment of rebirthing your souls purpose
 you can rewrite your own story and
 shape the present through it as well as the future -

 just as all the ones we love so much,
and who have gone before us,
 have done across all time.

We can celebrate the physical or spiritual presence
 of the greatest teachers in this realm
by acknowledging their birthday and legacy, 

grateful for the insights received 
and ready to take these further into
 shaping our reality to the Best For All.

excerpt from the book "From the Lightness of the Heart" by Claudia Wenning
How do we widen our field of awareness, of perception?
By asking questions, those we have not asked yet!
How do we become clearer, more aware,
 empowered, understanding, compassionate?

By asking questions, bravely entering new territory.
This creates the new point of view, it will make all the difference.
Changing perspective reveals new possibilities,
allows to perceive ways that we have not noticed before,
pathways into the Quantum Field.

The wake up call is here if you are feeling disempowered.
 Healing begins with acknowledging this for yourself.
If you feel disempowered you are no more accepting
 to be mistreated, neglected and abused.
It is the beginning of:
 asking for support to free yourself, 
 finding ways to care  for yourself and others 
and joining hands.We are all in this together!
When you feel disempowered reach out for strength, 
together with others and for yourself,
 reach out to replace darkness with light!
When you light a candle,
light a candle safely as a reminder to yourself, 
and observe as much as there was darkness before,
observe how now there is light... 

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