Quantum Health Presentation
3 actions you can take right now to improve your health - no medication or surgery required

A friend said to me "Happy Turkey Day"!
Yes, this is a funny synonym for Thanksgiving Day.
What if - being funny might be the precursor to ingenuity?
What if - we turn the turkey day into a turn- key day?
What if - on Thanksgiving Day
giving thanks might just be
the turning of the key
to open the door to contentment,
to recognition of abundance in my life?
I am giving thanks on Thanksgiving
for all that has been, is, and will be given to me,
I am giving thanks for being able to give too.
What if - being in the state of gratitude
could be the turn- key to transformation?

From the book:
"From the lightness of the Heart" by Claudia Wenning

Often people ask me what a Traditional Naturopath really does and advocates.
One of the various facets of Naturopathy is the nutritional aspect,
and it simply could be summarized as:
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food "
( this quote is attributed to Hippocrates).

The focus in Naturopathy is on promoting the body's natural self - healing capabilities
instead of treatments which are build upon the taking of chemically derived compounds,
aka pharmaceutical drugs.
The practice of medicine was once based on natural treatments,
diet choices and lifestyle modifications, these days this is called alternative medicine.
The day will come that the "alternative" assignment will be a misnomer of the past.
My purpose as a Traditional Naturopath is to assist those who are ready
to take their well - being into their own hands by making educated choices and
employing a multitude of natural applications and individualized approaches
to transform their lives into one lived in Vital Balance.
In the state of Vital Balance all other aspects, like personal empowerment,
a genuine purpose, joie de vivre, creativity, individual entitlement
and integrative goal management will follow suit effortlessly.
To get there we have to ask the appropriate questions,
and listen to the answers that come with an inquisitive and open mind.
It is never too late to make changes in ones life, even the smallest conscious thought
or deed has the potential to create a cascade of life - affirming
and therefore health - enhancing improvements.

A Traditional Naturopath crafts an itinerary of applying natural approaches and remedies,
which will lead the way to the state of equilibrium in body, mind and soul.
These applications support us in allowing ourselves to "come home" to the state of Vital Balance.

Post Graphic by Mariza
fb : blackfiregraphics

There is the sense of a slow waking up, 
moving and spreading like a gentle ripple 
through a wide open field of grass.
Could we perceive it? 
Yes if we look.
Could we ignore it? 
Yes if we look away.
It is such a powerful notion 
that most of us have the choice
 to open our eyes and see, 
and not just see, 
but really look, observe,
 watch, perceive,
open up to all impressions
 that are there, waiting,
waiting to be acknowledged.

For those who can not see,
 let us be the translators, 
pointing out the way,
 offering strength to lean on 
to walk the safe and solid, 
 sacred path of coming home 
to the place of recognizing 
who we truly are.

The "21 Day Journey" 

from Stress to Vital Balance,
 from Frustration to Inner Peace
from Overwhelm to Self-Empowerment
from Sleepless Nights to Rest and Relaxation 

click below  for details
 21 Day Journey

 A day to honor the departed

This image is a symbolic offering today,
as we take time to connect with our ancestors
and with all those that came before us.

In gratitude to those we share our DNA with,
and to those that learned the lessons for us, 
which we do not have to go through anymore.

I wish to send to you a "Namaste",
and I bow before the divinity in you 
and recognize the divinity in us all.

I honor the strength you can make available,
I listen to the wisdom you can impart -
for the good of ALL THERE IS.

From the book
"From the lightness of the heart" by Claudia Wenning

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