"Courage, Courage!" 
 I hear them shouting,
a shout of many,
sounding like the voice of one.

Beckoning us to listen to its echo
and I listen with every inch of my skin.
I will nurture the message.

"Courage, Courage!"
 I hear them shouting
I feel the sound of this
 chime deeply within my heart.

A new strengthing is evolving,
 a new virtue is showing its virgin face,
shy, yet growing to step out boldly.

"Courage, Courage!"
 I hear them shouting,
be true, be true - to yourself.
To thyself be true.

This is nothing new,
and nothing could be more true.
I bow down deeply
 to those who live their virtue.


I am exhaling all I chose to see
as cause for stress and sorrow,
letting it flow out
with this next breath...now

I am receiving the incoming breath
so precious and life giving,
sustaining me freely,
I welcome it with appreciation...now

from "From the Lightness of the Heart"

Definition of Fear out of the Cambridge Dictionary:

"a strong emotion caused by great worry about something dangerous,
 painful, or unknown that is happening or might happen."

Fear - a strong emotion

Why would we attempt to suppress a strong emotion?
What if this emotion brings us into the state of alertness
that is needed to react appropriately to the given situation?

What if fear is the energy that ignites in us the desire to
understand this "dangerous, painful or unknown" better?

What if the feeling of fear is actually empowering us to gather
knowledge about how to respond to circumstances that are
"happening or might be happening"?

What if we could share this knowledge then and assist others in 
the process to come to greater understanding how we perceive
the world and the "dangerous, painful and unknown" in it?

“What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing 
or any other resistance, is understanding fear;
that means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it. 
We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

The fullness of the moon illuminates the landscape,
 it assist us in seeing more clearly even deep into the night.

There is a sense of urgency to brighten the shadows,
 too long they have been used as hiding places.
We can collectively, literally physically, 
straighten up and feel ourselves stretching towards the light. 

 Stretching upwards, as if the veil is getting thinner and 
thinner the taller we decide to stand, united.
Born out of this decision  our strength gets magnified and multiplied, 
the air has a different quality, the next breath is deeper then the last.
We are moving upward in gathering this raw potential collectively. 

This energetic pull, like an invisible tide, we can sense it, 
and we can choose to embrace it. 
This strength is waiting for us to tap into, feel it, taste it,
 utilize it to realize new approaches now.

We have been preparing for this, the darker the shadows,
 the more they can be illuminated and will loose their imposing might.
 All we see begins to appear in a new and different light.
Even in the smallest degrees of shades, gathering momentum.


One of the dynamics right now could be called "Grounding",  grounding, what does that mean?
Staying centered and relating wholly while being firmly anchored within.

This is a moment to assess and tune into relations, all our relations, relationships,
 the connections that are meant for us to go deep, if we allow it.
Family and familiar relations, close relationships, all relationships provide the learning grounds for empathy and boundaries, how to balance them both.
How do we relate to all there is on this planet?

With empathy and clear boundaries in healthy balance we can create space for compassion to nurture all relations, even the ones with people we have never met, yet we certainly are "relating" to them, may it be going into the past, into the future, or on the internet ( not kidding!).

The dynamic calling is to honor all relations, and we do not even have to "like" them, there is no need to struggle with judgments we may have, these have their place too.

By acknowledging our judgements we discover which values we do resonate with, judgement can be another tool to authentically deepen understanding, to actually find out more about ourselves than the other.

Our judgements can help us to listen more closely for what we wish to hear, feel, see, it can be the energy to move us into action to transform imbalance into balance, abuse into respect, neglect into caring, heartache into healing touch.


Sometimes...the only touch
 that will provide healing
 is as gentle as 
the petal of a rose flower.

This exquisite flower 
is drawing its core strength
from a resilient, thorn studded, 
weather worn stock.

Rooted deeply into the earth,
it is yielding to sun and moon, 
heat or rain, 
offering its fragrance.

Softness is emerging 
out of deep rootedness,
fragrance is emerging out of 
strength through resilience.

excerpt for :"From the Lightness of the Heart"




The little yellow finch has been coming to visit every morning,
he perches in the rosemary patch outside the window
and flits through branches with the lightness of a feather.

Gracefully he swings on the rosemary twigs
 searching for nectar with agility,
yet keenly alert of his surroundings.

The slightest rustle in the vicinity
 makes him turn and scan, again and again,
such awareness in this tiny little bird.

Watching this, it seems to be a perfect demonstration
 of how awareness can bring the freedom to be yourself.
Freedom through complete presentness.

excerpt from the book: "From the Lightness of the Heart"

 For all our relations :
 Intending to direct loving thoughts towards those
 who have made themselves dependent
 on chemically produced substances,
 hoping to strengthen perceived weaknesses.

 We can support them
 to find their way back into vibrant balance
 through energetic strengthening,
 for them to discover their innate power
 to do so themselves!

Excerpt from the book: "From the Lightness of the Heart"

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