While sensing into the mode of this new moon phase, 
the intent is now to enjoy the ripening of all that has been tended and looked after.
This is a time of coming into the full expression of all the innate energies harnessed and cultivated.
Time and space for the glorious opening of expression and sharing throughout the summer into late summer, a smile in every gesture, a smile in every step. 
The inner knowing that we are able to let the guards down and flow outwards without inhibition, it can be safe now to be genuine, safe to express who we are and show our own colors fully.
Especially now the calling is to increase allowance for each others and ourselves of "Space".
Allowing for space, in all ways that feel appropriate, allowing space to continue to evolve. Allowing space with each inhale, each exhale, feeling it.
This can be a physical expression too, through movement and dance to explore, share, modulate space, and yet being open to perpetual shift of same.
Expressing the "fullness" of who we are designed to be, abundance of energy, abundance unlimited.

Every given moment we choose thoughts, emotions, actions,
through our choices we shape the concurring patterns in our lives.

 Even though the deeds of others would have not been of our choosing, 
our reaction to those events are the factors that will shape our future.

It is our freedom of choice to stay aligned with the values we hold true,
we may not be able to change the past, or  understand what occurred,
but with one breath at a time we can open up the space for a  future. 

 A future in which one day we will leave the currents of anguish and
 despair behind us, a future of connection rather than division, 
a future of living  in unity rather than separation.

You got a summer cold, you  feel dehydrated, you can't sleep at night?
Let's see, can we look at those happenings from another perspective?

What if  the "summer cold" is our body saying:
 be aware of where you put your body and which stresses you are exposing it to,
and why really would you do this?
In other words, be aware how your body reacts to the environment you are in.

You feel dehydrated,
 what if  your body would be saying:
be aware of when you need to drink water, get out of the sun for a bit, and keep everything flowing smoothly in your body.
In other words, be aware how your body reacts to the environment you are in.

You cannot sleep at night?
What if  your body would be saying:
Be aware of how you can support your body to adjust to the temperature at night, the bedding, the noise level.
 Be aware how much unfinished mental and emotional "business" you are taking to bed with you.
In other words, be aware how your body reacts to the environment you are in.

During the last 24 hours 2 very different energy "flavors " have been 

perceived as dominant, which makes them more easily accessible.

An invitation to create some gentle shifts in our lives,
and to observe how this will touch the collective as a whole.


is growing stronger, more easily recognized.
  time to tune into intution and trustingly go forward with it.


 is undeniable, palpable,
  time to acknowledge this sensation, to listen to its message
 within with respect and curiosity:

What can you do today to make even a small aspect in your life easier ? 
Which action do you sense you are most aligned with
 to manifest what you would like to see in the world?
About my perception of the recent energy "shift"

So now that I mentioned this, I have been asked repeatedly to elaborate…
what am I talking about?

I will do my best to share in detail my impressions right here, July 5th 2017.
It actually started more than 2 weeks ago, approximately 3 weeks ago, as I mentioned around summer solstice, but it really took me a few days to recognize this as a sustained palpable sensation.

As we are all part of the continuum of evolution, we and ALL THERE IS evolves, now how does this happen?

Energy is… and is expressed in countless forms and manifestations.
When we become quiet and nurture our sentient abilities, we are able to distinguish different qualities, shapes and “tastes” of the environment we are in, which is as wide and large as we wish to recognize it.
Our environment is also as dimensional or rather multi dimensional as we intend to perceive it.
We can tune into a piece of music on the radio, and we also can tune into energies we resonate with, because of the resonance it is rather effortless.
However we are also all interconnected as multiple species on this planet, or shall I say in this realm we choose to share.
Once energies are perceived they can be easily amplified and shared with those that are open to receive them.
In this cooperation realities are created through energetic alignment. Many different realities.

Evolution is driving change continually, and whenever we find certain sentiments to be highly charged with energy, the higher the charge is, the more poignant the reversal of this charge can be, if we are willing to flow with this reversal.
It is a choice to make, the energy is available to be sensed.

There is an uplift from sentiments of despair and feeling victimized available now, that is what I have been feeling and that is what I called the recent energy shift. I have observed this in others around me, in the session with clients, all in varying degrees, yet all fueled with an increasingly building energy to be acted upon as of lately.
I call the energy empowering, it feels like EMPOWERMENT  waiting to be acknowledged and to be lived, starting with every individual to be felt in the most minute instances and upward from there.
I am not implying we will have world peace tomorrow, although I would celebrate this with abandon, but nevertheless I want to do my part to shine a light on this quality of energy that is more easily accessible with every passing day, ready to be integrated as I have witnessed it lately.

If there are others out there that have sensed this and would like to share, even from other viewpoints, may it be astrology or other schools of thought, I would love to hear it. 

And I am talking about self empowerment in an upcoming program that will be available soon. The creation of the program at this time is as "synchronistic" as life itself. 
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