Impressions are coming forth about a forward movement with new directives and newly opening directions.
 And evolution could again be honored as the underlying quality of All There Is in the larger frame of perception.
 The opportunities for growth and peaceful understanding are still partly elusive, but exquisite.
Yes, we have been experiencing an ongoing perception - altering period of watching how a minority with individual powers, through separation, tries with all it has to outdo the striving of the majority for  peaceful unity and inclusion.
 But are there any doubts now how the picture will show itself to all eventually? 
 There will be the opening of floodgates of rejoicing in collaborative change, maybe not yet tomorrow, but it will come.
Yet the question remains today: what can we contribute to bring this lasting creation of peaceful connection out into the open visible and palpable to all, of all, and caringly nurture it to keep growing within our life time?

It is time to find our very own place of conscious co-creation in this evolving foreward movement.
It can be as simple, yet invigorating, as picking up "paintbrushes" ourselves, one small, seemingly insignificant, dab of paint at a time, all with peaceful intentions.
It could be OUR support for a new picture to emerge, for other hues to come to the front and center. so that these contributions may become part of a shining bold of lightness that announces the coming of a new dawn. 


The celebration  of any birthday,
 anniversary and in memoriam
 can be your very own rebirth.

In the moment of rebirthing your souls purpose
 you can rewrite your own story and
 shape the present through it as well as the future -

 just as all the ones we love so much,
and who have gone before us,
 have done across all time.

We can celebrate the physical or spiritual presence
 of the greatest teachers in this realm
by acknowledging their birthday and legacy, 

grateful for the insights received 
and ready to take these further into
 shaping our reality to the Best For All.

excerpt from the book "From the Lightness of the Heart" by Claudia Wenning
How do we widen our field of awareness, of perception?
By asking questions, those we have not asked yet!
How do we become clearer, more aware,
 empowered, understanding, compassionate?

By asking questions, bravely entering new territory.
This creates the new point of view, it will make all the difference.
Changing perspective reveals new possibilities,
allows to perceive ways that we have not noticed before,
pathways into the Quantum Field.

The wake up call is here if you are feeling disempowered.
 Healing begins with acknowledging this for yourself.
If you feel disempowered you are no more accepting
 to be mistreated, neglected and abused.
It is the beginning of:
 asking for support to free yourself, 
 finding ways to care  for yourself and others 
and joining hands.We are all in this together!
When you feel disempowered reach out for strength, 
together with others and for yourself,
 reach out to replace darkness with light!
When you light a candle,
light a candle safely as a reminder to yourself, 
and observe as much as there was darkness before,
observe how now there is light... 

Quantum Health Presentation
3 actions you can take right now to improve your health - no medication or surgery required

A friend said to me "Happy Turkey Day"!
Yes, this is a funny synonym for Thanksgiving Day.
What if - being funny might be the precursor to ingenuity?
What if - we turn the turkey day into a turn- key day?
What if - on Thanksgiving Day
giving thanks might just be
the turning of the key
to open the door to contentment,
to recognition of abundance in my life?
I am giving thanks on Thanksgiving
for all that has been, is, and will be given to me,
I am giving thanks for being able to give too.
What if - being in the state of gratitude
could be the turn- key to transformation?

From the book:
"From the lightness of the Heart" by Claudia Wenning

Often people ask me what a Traditional Naturopath really does and advocates.
One of the various facets of Naturopathy is the nutritional aspect,
and it simply could be summarized as:
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food "
( this quote is attributed to Hippocrates).

The focus in Naturopathy is on promoting the body's natural self - healing capabilities
instead of treatments which are build upon the taking of chemically derived compounds,
aka pharmaceutical drugs.
The practice of medicine was once based on natural treatments,
diet choices and lifestyle modifications, these days this is called alternative medicine.
The day will come that the "alternative" assignment will be a misnomer of the past.
My purpose as a Traditional Naturopath is to assist those who are ready
to take their well - being into their own hands by making educated choices and
employing a multitude of natural applications and individualized approaches
to transform their lives into one lived in Vital Balance.
In the state of Vital Balance all other aspects, like personal empowerment,
a genuine purpose, joie de vivre, creativity, individual entitlement
and integrative goal management will follow suit effortlessly.
To get there we have to ask the appropriate questions,
and listen to the answers that come with an inquisitive and open mind.
It is never too late to make changes in ones life, even the smallest conscious thought
or deed has the potential to create a cascade of life - affirming
and therefore health - enhancing improvements.

A Traditional Naturopath crafts an itinerary of applying natural approaches and remedies,
which will lead the way to the state of equilibrium in body, mind and soul.
These applications support us in allowing ourselves to "come home" to the state of Vital Balance.

Post Graphic by Mariza
fb : blackfiregraphics

There is the sense of a slow waking up, 
moving and spreading like a gentle ripple 
through a wide open field of grass.
Could we perceive it? 
Yes if we look.
Could we ignore it? 
Yes if we look away.
It is such a powerful notion 
that most of us have the choice
 to open our eyes and see, 
and not just see, 
but really look, observe,
 watch, perceive,
open up to all impressions
 that are there, waiting,
waiting to be acknowledged.

For those who can not see,
 let us be the translators, 
pointing out the way,
 offering strength to lean on 
to walk the safe and solid, 
 sacred path of coming home 
to the place of recognizing 
who we truly are.

The "21 Day Journey" 

from Stress to Vital Balance,
 from Frustration to Inner Peace
from Overwhelm to Self-Empowerment
from Sleepless Nights to Rest and Relaxation 

click below  for details
 21 Day Journey

 A day to honor the departed

This image is a symbolic offering today,
as we take time to connect with our ancestors
and with all those that came before us.

In gratitude to those we share our DNA with,
and to those that learned the lessons for us, 
which we do not have to go through anymore.

I wish to send to you a "Namaste",
and I bow before the divinity in you 
and recognize the divinity in us all.

I honor the strength you can make available,
I listen to the wisdom you can impart -
for the good of ALL THERE IS.

From the book
"From the lightness of the heart" by Claudia Wenning

Every given moment we choose thoughts, emotions, actions,
through our choices we shape the concurring patterns in our lives.
 Even though the deeds of others would have not been of our choosing, 
our reaction to those events are the factors that will shape our future.

It is our freedom of choice to stay aligned with the values we hold true,
we may not be able to change the past, or  understand what occurred,
but with one breath at a time we can open up the space for our  future, 
 and one day we will leave the currents of anguish and despair behind us.

In the dark night of the new moon, I wonder if we are meant to recreate it all again and again.....just as we see it in the rhythms of nature.
And with every new creation and manifestation we have the opprtunity to improve our connection to other humans, animals, the planet itself.

The road to new beginnings seems to be covered with countless heartbreakes.
 Once we find the courage to start traveling this road, again, we one day may discover, that the road indeed is made out of the very essence of it all, undestructible, our most precious source of strength imaginable.

I did not think it possible either... until it happened.
May we all be guided to find safe ground to walk on and move forward.


Rest assured I see it clearly:
the hopes lost, the future uncertain, the despair.
Yet I dare to rise up and I see beauty just as clearly
 in its countless manifestations in all directions.

From my heart space and with my two hands 
I intend to support the creation of health and safety, 
 beauty, trust, respect, hope, equality and vision,
continous growth of compassion and community.

So much has happened that we grieve about.
How much can we talk about this, what do we need to do to handle these emotions?
We say there are no words to describe what we feel.
Words are circumscribing the feeling itself, a feeling so raw and undiluted, so intense, felt whole bodily, how it grips us, our heart, our brain, our belly.
How we can not sleep, can not eat, how we think of all the pain others have to go through, and there is so little, if any, we can do about events that have happened. Nothing we might have done to prevent them either, maybe.
We may feel that nothing we do really matters now, for what any how, we can not avoid pains to just descend upon us and others without warning. We may feel that we cannot be safe, we can not know what the future brings.
We may feel disempowered, lost, alone, what is life about if we have to suffer through so much pain and loss? How do we communicate these emotions, what do we do with them?

Can we talk about this?
Is there anything here that you feel and can identify with?
Then you are not alone, I am not alone, we are not alone, we are alive and we FEEL.
We feel grief, pain, despair, loss of trust and direction, we are not alone in feeling these  sensations, this is the common thread that winds itself through it all, the thread that connects us.
We are not robots, we are sentient humans, experiencing this to the fullest, maybe not of  conscious choosing, but we are alive and we feel.
We can come together to share this, the reawakened realization how precious life is, how precious it is to communicate, to share ALL we feel, the good and the unbearable.
We are engaged to make this more bearable, any which way, and we may think we cannot.

But what if that is one thing we can step up to do, by being more compassionate, feeling the pain others go through, sensing their needs and wants, opening our hearts, minds and places, to give comfort, shelter, contact, understanding, and listen with care.
We feel, therefore we are. We can embrace our ability to feel, to strengthen our connection with others through feeling deeply, how else could we know the pain they might be going through?
Because we know how it feels.
We are shaken awake by others loosing their lives, shaken awake to be present right now, to be honest with our emotions, to feel them, share them and to honor these moments we have with each other to spend together, as we honor those that have passed before us.

 For if there is a message to be heard at all, what if it could be like this:
Stay true to whatever you feel, and if you feel loving, share it, if you feel unloving, resolve it, do not let another day go by with unresolved feelings of hurt and pain, for your or others.
Do not allow communication between you and others be incomplete or dishonest.
We can grace every moment in our lives with awareness of its fleetingness, respect and embrace it, in its glory or despair, we are here to feel them, experience them, and we have only one chance to do so, moment by moment.
We can live in gratitude to those that remind us by parting so unexpectedly, it is not only that we can hold them in our hearts forever, it is also that we can hold all the ones that are alive with us as precious and dear.

Through feeling so deeply and intensely, we are able to connect deeply, especially to those that are left behind, that are here with us.
 Here we can hold the energy strongly for others in their grief to lean on, we can hold the strength to help them across the deep void for however long it may take, through feeling can we muster this strength, through being passionately compassionate.

If we could encourage and develop the strength to be truly compassionate beings, that feel with and stand with those that suffer, stand with those that are grieving, acknowledge their pain as if it were one’s own, being there as support rather than drowning together in it – this might be what has to be nourished more, this might be one of the missing pieces that will make us feel like the sisters and brothers that we truly can be for each other.

What if this grief we feel can be transformed into energy to look after each other more kindly, communally as well as globally?
What if we are literally called to action when we feel the pain of others and the pain we feel ourselves?
Called to action to show loving kindness, passionate compassion, and not postpone it for another moment, share that smile, word, hug, pick up that phone, write that letter.

What if we can also move this energy into unfinished emotional areas in our own being, the areas of hurt, resentment and judgment that are waiting to be released, so that they will never be a source of pain again for anyone, including ourselves.
We know what it feels like to be in pain, but we do not have to loose ourselves there.
We can cultivate healthy compassion to lift each other up from the disempowerment of profound suffering.

So,what can we do to make this world a world with less pain?
We can gather and cultivate inner strength to support others when they suffer.
We can diligently dissolve pains we have created for ourselves and others, release them, let them go, and make space to genuinely empower ourselves and each other.
When we are present for ourselves and truly invested in resolving our own inner pains, then out of this cemotional learing we may gain the strength to support others with compassion.



Is it possible to improve
 communication around the world,
 to gently let the masks drop away?

I intent to revisit the authenticity
 of my own communication,
 with myself and others.

Have I been communicating from a place of clarity or habit?
Have I communicated beliefs that could be updated?
I intent to look at underlying expectations...

out of the book "From the Lightness of the Heart" by Claudia Wenning

Today I decided to take a moment to be thankful for all the abundance nature shares with us on this new moon autumn equinox.
As much as we are affected but all the perils of nature, the turmoils and hardships natural event can cause in our life, and have, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, floods and fires, the earth is a living organism and in permanent movement.
This aliveness also gifts us with substance and sustenance, and today I want to express gratitude for that, for every fruit, nut, seed and grain of this earth that she brings forth.
May we all intent to share this bounty evenly, there should be no more unsurmountable reasons in this time and age for hunger, thirst or other scarcity, no matter where we live.
This ought to be a primary focus in the intentions we have towards how we like to see the future of this planet unfold, for us and future generations. 


Earlier this summer the flowers were coming into bloom,
opening themselves up in utter abandon
strutting brilliant colors and intriguing textures
tempting with their fragrances.

Petals are fluttering in the breeze
in ecstatic expectancy of merging,
of getting fertilized,
of  joining of essences.

After the merging  everything changed,
petals lost their vigor,wilted away,
 energies and juices turned to flow inwards
 and deeper to create new beginnings.
 Now they ripen into shiny, fragrant fruits ...
and they entice and beckon again
with their colors and fragrances.

“Come hither, taste me!”seems the message
“ come, feed and feast on me!
Relieve kernels, seed and pits of their shell,
this nourishing bounty is yours!

Free the essence of me
may we land on fertile ground again
 to join energies in creating another cycle
of growing, merging and sharing."

quote from: "From the Lightness of the Heart"

When is enough enough?
We all are going through phases of frustrations and overwhelm,
 there is so much that needs to be done, where to start?

How can we make our dreams and hopes become our reality?
Are we not already doing the best we are capable of at this very moment?
Could we let go of comparison just for one deep breath, and look again?

Could we look at where we want to go without despair,
 without the notion of impending defeat?
History has shown us only was has been, not what will be.

What happens when we think we know what the future holds?
What if we could rewite this book as we go on?
With one "the best I can do" moment at a time.

Another "the best I can do" moment after that, and after that, 
building gently without pushing or stressing, comparison and despair.
Yet building nevertheless.

Building a future out of "best" upon "best".
Can it get better than that?
Isn't that enough?

Classic chinese medicine gifted us 
with the distinction of yin and yang.
Summer is said as being of yang energy,
  element of heat, expansion and growth.

To balance this heat around us
 we balance energetic qualities 
 and can do this intuitively:
 balance heat with coolness,
 balance rigidity with fluidity,
balance dryness with moisture,
balance the bursting out with
 coming back inwardly.

We can balance these aspects
in our space and our relationships, 
in our thoughts and our actions.

This is the time to temper the fires,
the ones that are burning within us 
and those that are raging around us.

And then:
 allow the yin, the feminine aspect, to rise. 

"Courage, Courage!" 
 I hear them shouting,
a shout of many,
sounding like the voice of one.

Beckoning us to listen to its echo
and I listen with every inch of my skin.
I will nurture the message.

"Courage, Courage!"
 I hear them shouting
I feel the sound of this
 chime deeply within my heart.

A new strengthing is evolving,
 a new virtue is showing its virgin face,
shy, yet growing to step out boldly.

"Courage, Courage!"
 I hear them shouting,
be true, be true - to yourself.
To thyself be true.

This is nothing new,
and nothing could be more true.
I bow down deeply
 to those who live their virtue.


I am exhaling all I chose to see
as cause for stress and sorrow,
letting it flow out
with this next

I am receiving the incoming breath
so precious and life giving,
sustaining me freely,
I welcome it with

from "From the Lightness of the Heart"

Definition of Fear out of the Cambridge Dictionary:

"a strong emotion caused by great worry about something dangerous,
 painful, or unknown that is happening or might happen."

Fear - a strong emotion

Why would we attempt to suppress a strong emotion?
What if this emotion brings us into the state of alertness
that is needed to react appropriately to the given situation?

What if fear is the energy that ignites in us the desire to
understand this "dangerous, painful or unknown" better?

What if the feeling of fear is actually empowering us to gather
knowledge about how to respond to circumstances that are
"happening or might be happening"?

What if we could share this knowledge then and assist others in 
the process to come to greater understanding how we perceive
the world and the "dangerous, painful and unknown" in it?

“What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing 
or any other resistance, is understanding fear;
that means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it. 
We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

The fullness of the moon illuminates the landscape,
 it assist us in seeing more clearly even deep into the night.

There is a sense of urgency to brighten the shadows,
 too long they have been used as hiding places.
We can collectively, literally physically, 
straighten up and feel ourselves stretching towards the light. 

 Stretching upwards, as if the veil is getting thinner and 
thinner the taller we decide to stand, united.
Born out of this decision  our strength gets magnified and multiplied, 
the air has a different quality, the next breath is deeper then the last.
We are moving upward in gathering this raw potential collectively. 

This energetic pull, like an invisible tide, we can sense it, 
and we can choose to embrace it. 
This strength is waiting for us to tap into, feel it, taste it,
 utilize it to realize new approaches now.

We have been preparing for this, the darker the shadows,
 the more they can be illuminated and will loose their imposing might.
 All we see begins to appear in a new and different light.
Even in the smallest degrees of shades, gathering momentum.


One of the dynamics right now could be called "Grounding",  grounding, what does that mean?
Staying centered and relating wholly while being firmly anchored within.

This is a moment to assess and tune into relations, all our relations, relationships,
 the connections that are meant for us to go deep, if we allow it.
Family and familiar relations, close relationships, all relationships provide the learning grounds for empathy and boundaries, how to balance them both.
How do we relate to all there is on this planet?

With empathy and clear boundaries in healthy balance we can create space for compassion to nurture all relations, even the ones with people we have never met, yet we certainly are "relating" to them, may it be going into the past, into the future, or on the internet ( not kidding!).

The dynamic calling is to honor all relations, and we do not even have to "like" them, there is no need to struggle with judgments we may have, these have their place too.

By acknowledging our judgements we discover which values we do resonate with, judgement can be another tool to authentically deepen understanding, to actually find out more about ourselves than the other.

Our judgements can help us to listen more closely for what we wish to hear, feel, see, it can be the energy to move us into action to transform imbalance into balance, abuse into respect, neglect into caring, heartache into healing touch.


Sometimes...the only touch
 that will provide healing
 is as gentle as 
the petal of a rose flower.

This exquisite flower 
is drawing its core strength
from a resilient, thorn studded, 
weather worn stock.

Rooted deeply into the earth,
it is yielding to sun and moon, 
heat or rain, 
offering its fragrance.

Softness is emerging 
out of deep rootedness,
fragrance is emerging out of 
strength through resilience.

excerpt for :"From the Lightness of the Heart"

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