The real gem

There is a life force within your soul,
seek that life.
There is a gem in the mountain of your body,
seek that mine.
O traveler if you are in search of that
don't look outside, look inside yourself
and seek that.

~ Rumi ~


It is from the lightness of the heart 
that we can express the very core of our being,
that we can express the essence of our spirit 
in vital balance and even flow.

We can share the inner knowing of how
 we are all individual parts of a greater oneness.
Through the heart we reawaken the sacred bond
 that unconditionally connects us all.

From the lightness of the heart we heal what was wounded,
 and we can caringly mend what was broken,
respectfully in communion with ALL THAT IS.
From one heart to another.

excerpt from the book "From the Lightness of the Heart" by Claudia Wenning

About frogs

... I like frogs, I am intrigued by all amphibians.

I enjoy to watch them, they are so present, quietly but keenly alert, 
with such patience they  wait for the next meal,
 they are sensitive and can feel my presence from yards away.

They have their ways of communicating with each other, which sound to me like music,
 yet they are aware of my listening to them, and then often keep their secrets to themselves.

Many years ago I discovered that frogs were revered in several ancient cultures.

In ancient Egypt there was a goddess, named Heket or Heqit
(other spellings too) who was pictured as a woman with a frog head.

 She was one of the bearers of life, fertility, birth, of creation itself, 
sometimes shown in images with the ankh symbol in her hand.

The ankh symbolizes creation, breath of life and eternity, the joining of aspects.

The frogs symbolized creation too, abundance, new beginnings, fertility,
 they were important to the agrarian aspects of these cultures as well as the concept of longevity.
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