Here is a copy of the newsletter mailed out April 2015.
If you like to receive future news,
 please sign up at the bottom of the page!

Spring is here!

Hi Friends,
I hope you are enjoying a Happy Spring!
This is a good time for a spring cleanse
and to mention available seminars for 2015.
I am inviting you to look at my website
to check out my seminars and products :)
Click on Services - Products.
Feel free to email your questions!
Click on the icon below or go to:

       You will also find a free download of the MP4:
                            "THE MIRROR TECHNIQUE"

 Also at the website learn more about my new book:
            From the
          of the heart

      and where to get it!
Kindle is available too!
Audio book is coming. 

Here is some information for one series of sessions,   very appropriate for this time of year, SPRING!

Body - Mind - Soul -
Transformation at the Quantum Level

 Are you ready to detox, declutter, release?
 For your Body :  Are you ready to release toxins and stagnation?
 For your Mind :  Are you ready to release thoughts that
                                          do not serve you anymore?
 For your Soul :  Are you ready to release emotions that
                                         prevent you from being in the moment?                                                                                                        
Are you ready to make space for the full realization
 that we are bodies of light, brilliant minds and unlimited souls…
and so much more!?
Join in to explore the easy changes that can be made
 on the physical, mental and emotional level –
to realize greater well being and living in joy!
This might be your time to clean out, to revitalize
 and to install fresh purpose and direction in your life!
We will travel together through the application of simple steps
to restructure, to reinvent, and recreate the life you deserve to live,
 to renew your commitment of expressing your passions
and to be the shining light we are meant to be on this planet!

At the end of these sessions you will have applied a wealth of tools
and easy approaches to make lasting changes to live life
 in balance and joy.

Are you ready to experience Vital Balance?
You can book individual sessions, or group seminars.
Please contact me for more info at :
Sending you loving kindness,

Logic will get you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere.
(Albert Einstein)

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